2nds are getting annoying...

But I still run good.... 1-3-1-2 in my session of 7 sngs tonight... That's a record high in the amount of tables I've played at once. I'm not sure I could handle 8, but I may give it a shot. My laptop isn't a widescreen so that makes it tougher... Still a nice night though. I think I'm going to transfer the rest of my money over to stars from UB and play more sattys and move up to $30+3 sngs... I know I'm just having a good run and the cards will eventually stop coming, but I feel like I can play good enough to move on up. I'm going to use a minimum of 40 - 50 buyins for my sng roll, and I'm not going to go beyond that. I'm going to try it out at least until I can move up to the $50s. Hopefully I can build a nice roll up over the next few months.... I'll continue to update. 3-4-1-11 so far this week through 19 sngs.
- Brandon

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