A little poker, New Orleans, and Panama City
I've been playing mostly $33+1.50 turbo HU sngs lately on Full Tilt, and am a winner so far.... I don't have my stats with me because I'm at work, but I'd guess I have around a 70% or so win rate after maybe 35 to 40 of them, which isn't bad. I had another pretty good score in a MTT last week too. It was a $26 limit mtt with around 170 people. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I feel my limit MTT game is my strongest overall. I absolutely love these things... its just hard to find a big one. I, once again, entered the final table with a short stack. This seems to happen to me alot, not because I tighten up and want to make the final table, but actually because I get really aggressive around that time, and unfortunately was called down when I missed and people kept wanting to look me up. Oh well. I ended up getting allin pre when I was short with Q10 vs Ax... Flop was x x A... I was ready to go on and close the lap top... Turn Q River Q..... beautiful... I managed to work my stack up pretty well and got 3-handed and we were all about even in chips... I lost a pretty big one though when my KK lost to A5 after an AA5 flop and he raised me on the turn, he was pretty agg though so I called down like a donk. I lost the rest of my chips when I flopped top pair vs the same guy's 2 pr... bye bye me... $500+ wasn't bad though.
Its a good possibility that I'll be driving down to New Orleans March 16-18. Alex and Dave will be down there and invited me to come along. If I go I might hit up Harrah's, but most likely I'll just play a little during the day online in the room on my lap top. St. Patrick's Day is that Saturday, so that should be fun. It's about a 6 hour drive from here, which isn't too bad. The very next weekend I'll be heading to Panama City with my girlfriend and about 7 or 8 other friends of mine. This will definitely be a blast. I haven't been down there with friends in a few years, and I really need a vacation! 2 of them back to back would be really nice too by the way :)
Well thats about all for now. I'm going to keep playing some more $33 HUs and hope to be playing the $55s soon. Peace....
Its a good possibility that I'll be driving down to New Orleans March 16-18. Alex and Dave will be down there and invited me to come along. If I go I might hit up Harrah's, but most likely I'll just play a little during the day online in the room on my lap top. St. Patrick's Day is that Saturday, so that should be fun. It's about a 6 hour drive from here, which isn't too bad. The very next weekend I'll be heading to Panama City with my girlfriend and about 7 or 8 other friends of mine. This will definitely be a blast. I haven't been down there with friends in a few years, and I really need a vacation! 2 of them back to back would be really nice too by the way :)
Well thats about all for now. I'm going to keep playing some more $33 HUs and hope to be playing the $55s soon. Peace....
At 1:26 AM,
Alex Michel said…
You're back!!!! ship ship ship. Our trip has begun. See ya in a few days. I'm pumped.
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