Ready for my return to poker...
Its not that I've been away from it totally, I just haven't played online in a long time. I put a little bit of money in Full Tilt the other day and played some low limit NL cash games for a little while. What I'm going to do is start playing sngs again, at least thats the plan right now. I'll probably play some cash games too, but I want to 4-table $10 sngs and try to build up a new bankroll. I realize this may take a while, but I'm not relying on this as my only income anymore, so I won't have to withdraw money for rent and stuff, so hopefully I can move up at a decent pace. Since Partypoker has stopped allowing U.S. citizens to play at their site, I'm guessing Pokerstars and Fulltilt are probably going to be the main places alot of these people will move to, so hopefully the fish will still be plentiful. I'm still not sure if I'm going to play mainly at FT or PS. Probably a little bit at both. I'll probably start playing the sngs again in about a week or so, and I'll start posting results on here again. Obviously I'll be playing above my bankroll in the beginning, because I only plan to deposit about $100, but maybe I can have a good start and make it work, and eventually fall into place with the normal bankroll management guidelines. I can't put a whole lot in there right now, cause I'm still working on paying some people back who helped me out when I couldn't find a job. Once I'm clear of all my debt though, I'll be able to focus more on poker, which is still what I love to do. Well thats all for now, I'll update when I get back in the game.
At 1:16 AM,
Alex Michel said…
GL starting back up again. There should be some fishies out there for you to pwn. Good to have you back in the poker world.
At 3:14 PM,
David Anderson said…
GL Bud, I'm rooting for ya
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