Poker can be frustrating
Since my $660 cash in the 200K on Full Tilt a week or so ago, I've been playing alot more tourneys. I am playing the absolute best tournament poker that I ever have, and have been cashing alot, but I can't seem to close it out for a big win. For example... I was bubble boy in a MTT on Full Tilt last week, and at the same time I was in a $10 rebuy for $135 tourney credits on Bodog. Top 4 got paid, and with 6 left I was big stack with about 17k (second having about 10k). So I was in great shape, until my KK went down to AK allin preflop, then I ended up finishing on the bubble there too, in 5th, after my AK went down to K10 allin preflop to the same guy. And earlier that same day, I was in a tourney on Full Tilt, I believe with a prize pool of 6k, and I managed to make the final table. I was fine in chips but couldn't get anything going there, and pushed allin preflop with 99 only to run into KK and finish 7th for a profit of about $200. Last night I was in a $26 bracelet race tourney on Full Tilt....(266 people, top 6 paid, with the top 3 getting a $2,000 WSOP package including a $1,500 buyin to the 6-handed event and $500 cash). This tourney was 6-handed, which I love. I play better short-handed because I like to raise alot. Most of my limit cash game experience is 6-handed, and I feel I have an advantage on alot of the players because of that. You just can't play too tight 6-handed. Well anyway, I got 15th in that which, once again, was pretty close to something good. At the same time, I was in the 17k guaranteed on Full Tilt, and built a nice stack early. There were over 1,000 people in it and I got my stack up to around 50k when I raised in MP with AKh to 6k (blinds 1k/2k). The sb instapushes for about 30k total. Now I had been raising alot, so I figured he thought I was playing loose for the most part, which I was late in the tourney, so of course I call and he has 55. Well with a board of Q 10 4 Q 4, I lost the race, naturally. I guess he figured 55 had me dominated or something, or either he wanted to risk his above average stack on a coin flip at best with plenty of time to go. Well anyway, I get allin with AK again later against JJ. Ace on flop!!!! but a Jack was right next to it.... bye bye me. 30th place for around $80 which was extremely disappointing.
I just keep getting so close in these multis, but with nothing really to show. I either go card dead late or lose a huge coinflip. I know I'm playing better right now than I ever have, so I'm just going to stick it out and keep on trying. Eventually I should make a nice score. Well I'm out... about to play in a $22 MTT on Full Tilt as we speak.. maybe I'll win this one!
I just keep getting so close in these multis, but with nothing really to show. I either go card dead late or lose a huge coinflip. I know I'm playing better right now than I ever have, so I'm just going to stick it out and keep on trying. Eventually I should make a nice score. Well I'm out... about to play in a $22 MTT on Full Tilt as we speak.. maybe I'll win this one!
At 9:32 PM,
Alex Michel said…
Dang, sounds like you are playing really well. You'll hit big one of these days. Good luck bud.
At 7:26 PM,
Alex Michel said…
You are the man. Don't listen to what anyone else says. Keep on dominating.
At 7:26 AM,
Василий said…
Written simply and tastefully. It’s pleasant to read. Thank u..cardshuffles
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