Slow Recovery...
Well, last week didn't get much better after my "terrible" day. I finished the week down almost $1,000. This was a huge hit to my bankroll, and only my second losing week since the beginning of the year. This week I decided to give SNGs another shot on PP, just to take a break from limit. Well..... that didn't last long. Monday I had a small win of around $30, but Tuesday I took a $250 hit. Once again, everything went wrong. When QJ beats your AA on a board of 8 8 9, without hitting the 10 for a straight, you know its a bad day. I took them all day, and mostly for 4th place. I also had alot of 3rds that should've been 1sts or 2nds. I'd have about half the chips in play and run cold and get 3rd. Once I had about 10k in chips and the others had about 5k each... I picked up QQ and ran into KK.. just things like that. The bad beats kept pouring in, and I know it sounds like I'm whining.... well, ok I am. lol.
So Wednesday I play some more and am about even for the day when I enter another set of 3 SNGs for $33 each... I catch a big hand early on one of my tables and boost my stack early on another as well and am feeling good about it when all of the sudden... bye bye Partypoker. The cable went out. I called the cable company and they said "Oh they're working in that area, it should be back up shortly." Well thats great. So I call Daniel and get him to get on for me so hopefully he can get me in the money on 1 or 2 of them. By then it was too late though, he signed on under my name and I was already out of 2 of them, and was allin on the last one and lost. And what happens 2 minutes later??? You guessed it! The cable came back on. Beautiful. What a day. So I lost $99 right there without being able to do a single thing about it. That sums up the rest of that day too, and I'm stuck a little over $200 for the day.
I decided that SNGs were just too stressful. They give me a headache, there's too much going on at once, and they take too long. So later Wednesday night I signed on the Pac and decided to go back to what I've had the most success in (even after my bad week)... 5/10. I had a nice short little session, winning around $125. Today I've played 2 more short sessions, one lasting about 20 minutes and the other about 30 minutes. I finished +$72.35 and +117 in those. I will start putting in longer sessions eventually, but right now I'm happy to quit when I'm up after a short period of time, mainly because it builds my confidence. I know I can beat this game, and I'm determined to not give up. My goal for this week is simple... at least break even for the week. I'm still down a little, but a couple more decent sessions like those and I'll be right back up at 0, which sounds good to me right about now. If I get to even by Saturday, I'll probably spend alot of Sunday trying to get it in the positive. One thing is for sure, 5/10 is what I need to be playing. My comfort level in that game is higher than anything else I play, and thats important.
So Wednesday I play some more and am about even for the day when I enter another set of 3 SNGs for $33 each... I catch a big hand early on one of my tables and boost my stack early on another as well and am feeling good about it when all of the sudden... bye bye Partypoker. The cable went out. I called the cable company and they said "Oh they're working in that area, it should be back up shortly." Well thats great. So I call Daniel and get him to get on for me so hopefully he can get me in the money on 1 or 2 of them. By then it was too late though, he signed on under my name and I was already out of 2 of them, and was allin on the last one and lost. And what happens 2 minutes later??? You guessed it! The cable came back on. Beautiful. What a day. So I lost $99 right there without being able to do a single thing about it. That sums up the rest of that day too, and I'm stuck a little over $200 for the day.
I decided that SNGs were just too stressful. They give me a headache, there's too much going on at once, and they take too long. So later Wednesday night I signed on the Pac and decided to go back to what I've had the most success in (even after my bad week)... 5/10. I had a nice short little session, winning around $125. Today I've played 2 more short sessions, one lasting about 20 minutes and the other about 30 minutes. I finished +$72.35 and +117 in those. I will start putting in longer sessions eventually, but right now I'm happy to quit when I'm up after a short period of time, mainly because it builds my confidence. I know I can beat this game, and I'm determined to not give up. My goal for this week is simple... at least break even for the week. I'm still down a little, but a couple more decent sessions like those and I'll be right back up at 0, which sounds good to me right about now. If I get to even by Saturday, I'll probably spend alot of Sunday trying to get it in the positive. One thing is for sure, 5/10 is what I need to be playing. My comfort level in that game is higher than anything else I play, and thats important.
At 2:29 AM,
Alex Michel said…
man, that alabama internet sure is shaky. thats sucks about it going out. i'm happy that you are playing limit. i have confidence in you that you will succeed. keep on truckin. later bud.
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