Brandon's (mostly) Poker Blog

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Off to Milwaukee, eh

Well since my last post, things have been going pretty well. After those 8 sngs last week, I didn't play anymore and ended up about +$800 for the week. This week, I had a similar start on Monday. I played 4 sngs and cashed in 3 of them, with a 1st 2nd and 3rd which totaled my profit at +$280. It was nice. I was up $280 for the week after those, so I stopped the sngs for the week and got back into some limit and MTTs. I put some money in Pokerstars and have made around $200 this week there. I cashed in the $11 rebuy for $170 and I won a seat to the $750k guaranteed and sold it for $195. As far as my limit went, I deposited $250 into Pacific Poker and played 5/10 for about an hour. I pulled it up to around $445, so thats another $195 for the week. So for the small amount of time I played this week, I am happy with my results, profitting somewhere around +$700.

Me and Cassey are leaving for Milwaukee in a couple hours, and it will be a long, but fun drive. We're visiting my cousin up there and we both like road trips, so we decided not to fly. It's supposed to snow up there a little bit in the next couple of days, and we don't really get snow down here so that should be fun. I went last year and found out they have a casino there, pretty much right in the middle of downtown!! lol. I guess its supposedly some Indian casino, but the location is great if thats the case. I played some 2/4 last time I went there and won a little bit, but I doubt we'll be going there this time. No poker for me until probably next Wednesday or so, but thats fine with me. I still love playing, but it just seems more like work now for some reason. I think some time away will be good.

Well enough with the boring stories, I'll probably update again shortly after I get back from Wisconsin. I'm out......


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