Brandon's (mostly) Poker Blog

Saturday, December 03, 2005

School winding down.....

I haven't updated lately because, well, I haven't been playing much. School is almost over with, and I'm approaching final exams, final projects, certifications I have to get, etc. I've been playing mini-steps occasionally though, and I've started liking them again. Earlier this year I got to step 5 and won it, and didn't really try anymore until now. I made it to step 4 tonight, but I don't feel like playing it right now, I'm too tired. I also played a stud multi on party today and almost made the final table. That would've been nice, but oh well. I haven't been able to play enough to keep stats and junk, so I'm just gonna hold off on those until I graduate this month. December 16th... please get here fast!

But anyway, sometime in January I'm moving out with a friend. With this happening and no more school, I'll be able to concentrate fully on poker during the day. Having that degree will make me feel better too, so I know that job opportunities are always open. Well I'm going to bed, I may update a couple more times before I graduate, but I'm not sure. One thing is for sure... I'm ready to play poker for a living!!


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