Home games and a little online poker...
I've been doing pretty well lately, for me anyway. We had a home game at my house Sunday night... just a little $10 rebuy tourney with 6 people. After the rebuy period, we figured up the money and 1st would get $85 and 2nd would get $25. When 3 handed play began, it was me, Justin, and Tyler remaining. There were 440 chips in play. I had about 60 of those, Justin probably had about 150, and Tyler with the rest. So I was in trouble. The blinds went up to 5/10 once we started 3 handed, and my plan was to push push push. The first 2 hands, I had AJ and AK, and pushed, winning the blinds both times. After that I continued my aggressive shortstacked play when the following hand came up....
Justin had the button and raised minimum to 20. Tyler folded, and I was in the BB with K10. I call and we see the flop HU. The flop looks pretty good for me, K 6 Q with 2 clubs. I check and without hesitation Justin bets 40. I went into the tank. The 2 hands that had me worried were of course AK and KJ. But for some reason, just the way he bet I was feeling he had AQ. I don't know why, but I didn't think he was really strong. So after thinking for a minute or so, I pushed for about 70 more.... Then HE goes into the tank... He starts guessing what I could have, first saying he thinks I have something like J10 clubs for a strong draw. Then he shows his hand face up.. (this is not allowed in most casinos, but I see it alot in home games and I don't have a problem with it)..... he has KJ. I'm thinking to myself. "Okay, hes gonna call and I'm gonna have to get lucky to win this one." Then he sees that his J is a club, and says "Well wait, you can't have J10 clubs because I have the J of clubs." I'm thinking, "Great, he's definitely gonna call now." He thinks for a couple more minutes.... and folds!! Wow, I really got away with one there. From that point I was able to take control of the table and win 1st for $85, a decent cash.
Monday I had a decent 2 hour session on Pac, winning around $200. Later that night I entered a $20 MTT on Party, and couldn't get anything going early. After the first couple hours or so, I was on fire. I saw my stack go from 5k to about 30k in an hour, and I was above average. I was really gunning for the final table, because 4th place and up were over $1k, and with about 40 people left I was sitting about average. The blinds were getting big though, and after a couple of cold rounds I found myself needing to double up. I get AK in late position, and all fold to me so I push. The BB calls with QQ, and we all know that I don't win coinflips... He even spiked a Q on the river just in case :) But thats ok, I made about $90 profit on the tourney and finished in 24th.... I still want a big tourney cash more than anything, and I won't give up until I get one or two.
So after Monday I was already up about $300 on the week and cruising. Tuesday night is the always fun NL cash game at Phillips. I bought in for the max of $100 and was just coasting along, building my stack to around $250 when this happened.....
Someone opened for $5 (blinds are .50/1) and there were 2 callers. I'm in MP and find 88 and call. 1 more caller and we see the flop 4-handed. The door card is beeeeaaauuuutiful, an 8. The flop was A Q 8, which was a perfect flop for me. Chances are the raiseer opened with an ace, or at least a caller had an ace. We check to the raiser who goes all in for her remaining $35 or so. I just call, hoping for an ace to follow so I can extract more on the turn, but nobody does. So its us HU, and she has K10.......obviously something I didn't wanna see. I really wanted to see AJ or AK, but oh well. So the turn blanks and the river is her miracle Jack for about a $90 pot... ewwwww. But I managed to build back up a little and cash out with a profit of $172. I'll take it.
So I'm doing alright so far this week, and plan to play alot of 5/10 tomorrow and Friday. I didn't play any today because I played golf, which is an old passion I'm starting to get back into. Shooting 77 isn't too bad for somebody who never plays anymore! lol........ Well I'm gone for now, its margarita night!
Justin had the button and raised minimum to 20. Tyler folded, and I was in the BB with K10. I call and we see the flop HU. The flop looks pretty good for me, K 6 Q with 2 clubs. I check and without hesitation Justin bets 40. I went into the tank. The 2 hands that had me worried were of course AK and KJ. But for some reason, just the way he bet I was feeling he had AQ. I don't know why, but I didn't think he was really strong. So after thinking for a minute or so, I pushed for about 70 more.... Then HE goes into the tank... He starts guessing what I could have, first saying he thinks I have something like J10 clubs for a strong draw. Then he shows his hand face up.. (this is not allowed in most casinos, but I see it alot in home games and I don't have a problem with it)..... he has KJ. I'm thinking to myself. "Okay, hes gonna call and I'm gonna have to get lucky to win this one." Then he sees that his J is a club, and says "Well wait, you can't have J10 clubs because I have the J of clubs." I'm thinking, "Great, he's definitely gonna call now." He thinks for a couple more minutes.... and folds!! Wow, I really got away with one there. From that point I was able to take control of the table and win 1st for $85, a decent cash.
Monday I had a decent 2 hour session on Pac, winning around $200. Later that night I entered a $20 MTT on Party, and couldn't get anything going early. After the first couple hours or so, I was on fire. I saw my stack go from 5k to about 30k in an hour, and I was above average. I was really gunning for the final table, because 4th place and up were over $1k, and with about 40 people left I was sitting about average. The blinds were getting big though, and after a couple of cold rounds I found myself needing to double up. I get AK in late position, and all fold to me so I push. The BB calls with QQ, and we all know that I don't win coinflips... He even spiked a Q on the river just in case :) But thats ok, I made about $90 profit on the tourney and finished in 24th.... I still want a big tourney cash more than anything, and I won't give up until I get one or two.
So after Monday I was already up about $300 on the week and cruising. Tuesday night is the always fun NL cash game at Phillips. I bought in for the max of $100 and was just coasting along, building my stack to around $250 when this happened.....
Someone opened for $5 (blinds are .50/1) and there were 2 callers. I'm in MP and find 88 and call. 1 more caller and we see the flop 4-handed. The door card is beeeeaaauuuutiful, an 8. The flop was A Q 8, which was a perfect flop for me. Chances are the raiseer opened with an ace, or at least a caller had an ace. We check to the raiser who goes all in for her remaining $35 or so. I just call, hoping for an ace to follow so I can extract more on the turn, but nobody does. So its us HU, and she has K10.......obviously something I didn't wanna see. I really wanted to see AJ or AK, but oh well. So the turn blanks and the river is her miracle Jack for about a $90 pot... ewwwww. But I managed to build back up a little and cash out with a profit of $172. I'll take it.
So I'm doing alright so far this week, and plan to play alot of 5/10 tomorrow and Friday. I didn't play any today because I played golf, which is an old passion I'm starting to get back into. Shooting 77 isn't too bad for somebody who never plays anymore! lol........ Well I'm gone for now, its margarita night!
At 1:52 PM,
Alex Michel said…
Folds KJ? I'd call you so fast you wouldnt know what hit you. Anyway, keep up the good work. Later
At 2:15 AM,
Alex Michel said…
Hey bud, check out my blog when you get a chance. You are going to be sooo pissed at me when you see this picture. I am still in awe of it. I just sit there staring at it for hours upon hours. Click on the picture to make it bigger so you can see it better. Check ya later bud.
At 3:13 PM,
David Anderson said…
that KJ was a donkey fold lol, getting 2 to 1 on the pot and he folds top pair? Let me know where these guys play on-line at ;)
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