Brandon's (mostly) Poker Blog

Thursday, February 11, 2010

taking a shot...

So 2 nights ago I decided to take a shot at 50NL with my $900 roll.. I decided I would stay there until I dropped down to $700 (then I would have to move back down), or hopefully I'd win and it would stick. Well I lost 2.5 buyins, but last night I got back 2 of them, so after a few K hands I'm down like $20something. There were plenty of fish out last night but I couldn't make the most of it. I lost a $60 pot to one of them aipf with AA to AK. I also lost a couple big pots to a fish running 45/5. My AA lost to him a couple times when the board ran out horribly. Oh well. still won a coule buyins on the night. Ill stick to it and hopefully I can keep moving up.

- Brandon


  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Alex Michel said…

    I am in awe of your discipline. Even when you "take shots", you are still playing fairly within your role. I hope it sticks. Good luck bud!


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