Brandon's (mostly) Poker Blog

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 4...

Here are my stats for week 4 followed by my totals...

WEEK 4 = $11,full,reg (98) 14/9/17/58 = +$101.00

TOTAL BUYIN = $3,392.00

TOTAL PROFIT = $175.60

TOTAL ROI = 5.18%

Its been a slow start, but hopefully I'll get it going. Yesterday was a +$140 day over 20 sngs, and that counts to week 5, so it would be nice if I can keep that going and boost up my ROI. Not much going on besides that, except for the fact that I'm moving. I'm transferring to the TSYS in Atlanta (Kennesaw) and will be moving up there in the next few weeks. I'm still doing my same job, just from a different place. Other than that, its the same ol same ol. I'll update again after week 5.

- Brandon


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