Was semi-deep in the $5 rebuy on stars tonight about 1.5x avg stack at around 55k and I raised to 6k at 1k/2k on the button with AQ... BB has me covered and pushed on me with A5 (I'm 100% positive I'm ahead and proceed with an instacall)... he hits his 5 of course... Another tourney I'm allin on A Q x with AQ vs AK... he runner runner flushes.... Was down to 10 players in the 13,500k guaranteed on Full Tilt, one from the final table, when I got AQ allin pre against AK... OBV.... I swear, this is why I usually don't play MTTs.... Top 4 were over a grand payout, 1st being about $3,500.... and I got 10th for a gay $150+.... How do you fold AQ with 60k chips 5-handed at 2k/4k after a 12k raise from a guy who raises over 50% of his hands?? Well, um, I guess I should start doing it. I mean, you can't reraise without committing right?? I guess you could with a min-reraise... but thats just gay... alskjf;asfj;alj I hate poker... Okay, rant is over.... I've been playing a mix of MTTs, cash, and sngs lately.... not too much happening... I did win a $12turbo 180-man tourney the other day on stars for a decent $600 or so, so that was nice... Too bad the next night I dropped about $400 in cash games.... as;ljf;ksjf;lkasjfkl;sajf;laskjf.... Okay, goodnight :)
At 5:44 PM,
Alex Michel said…
Keep you head up bud. Things will start to go your way. Call me sometime and we'll catch up or maybe I'll call you on my way back to Nebraska. Hope you have a good Christmas!
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