Quick Update....
Been doing pretty well in the $39 6-man turbos on stars lately. I also made a nice run in the $12 Daily Double B tourney on full tilt a few nights ago. There were about 1300 or so entrants and I played pretty well. Once we got into the money it was late, so I either wanted to accumulate quickly or just bust and go to bed... I won with 33vsKK, 88vsJJ, and QQvsAA all in preflop.... soooo sick..ive never done that 3 times in atourney before... only once i was allin though, with the qq... Coming down the stretch, I also won a big allin on a 5 6 7 flop with 99 vs AA... river 8... Well I ended up HU with a guy, my 2 mil to his 600k.... then gayness ensued like always... I got him all in with my A5 vs his KQ and he won... then got him all in again with my 77 vs his A5 and he flopped the wheel... it was sickening.... I got 2nd obv, cause I just cant win a tourney... but $1500+ was nice... So I like MTTs lately... I only seem to do well in them on full tilt tho for some reason... well im leaving to go skiing for the weekend up in tennessee... laterrrrrrr!
- Brandon
- Brandon
At 7:02 PM,
Alex Michel said…
Niiiiiiice. Well done sir. Having fun skiing in Tennessee. Is there really skiing there?
At 12:04 PM,
BrandonAU said…
haha... yes there is skiing in tn... we're in gatlinburg, in the smokey mountains... has only snowed a little though...
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