Been a while..
Its been a while since I've updated... I've moved up to Atlanta (Kennesaw), and I like it up here so far. Got a nice one bedroom apartment 2 miles from work, which is great. Finally got to set up my new 50" plasma tv, which I love. I'll be going back to town to visit probably every couple weekends. Also, me and some friends are going to Biloxi for Daniel's bachelor party in 3 weeks for the weekend, so that should be fun. I plan on playing a good bit of poker down there at the Beau Rivage, where we are staying. I have to play at least 10 hours total for the 2 nights to be $99 each because its a poker room rate... Last time I covered it before I checked in to the room lol... Well anyways, today is the last day of Week 9 and I don't plan on playing anymore today, so I'll list the last 4 weeks.
WEEK 6 = $22,full,reg (65) 7/8/7/43 = -$116.00
WEEK 7 = $22,full,reg (100) 9/17/17 = +$140.00
WEEK 8 = $22,full,reg (32) 2/7/6 = +$70.00
WEEK 9 = $22,full,reg (48) 6/11/3 = +$186.00
TOTAL BUYIN = $9,717.00
TOTAL PROFIT = $636.60
TOTAL ROI = 6.55%
The last couple weeks I haven't gotten to play much, with me moving and all... Plus I don't have cable here yet and took me a couple days to realize that a couple of my neighbors don't secure their internet connection... ship!... Week 6 was horrible... My first week at $22s and during the first full session, internet went out, which was STANDARD at the other house. Lost over $300 (probably more because I was running good so far) in those 15 sngs... So once again my ROI has been screwed over, but I think I can bring it up pretty good. I've been running probably below avg besides the disconnects, as you can see by my sort of flat line on my graph at sharkscope. My total sng profit on there is $7k-ish right now. I'm going to get it as close to $15k as possible by the end of the year. I do have to cash out more frequently now because of the increase in bills, but hopefully I can keep a steady flow. Well thats all for now...
WEEK 6 = $22,full,reg (65) 7/8/7/43 = -$116.00
WEEK 7 = $22,full,reg (100) 9/17/17 = +$140.00
WEEK 8 = $22,full,reg (32) 2/7/6 = +$70.00
WEEK 9 = $22,full,reg (48) 6/11/3 = +$186.00
TOTAL BUYIN = $9,717.00
TOTAL PROFIT = $636.60
TOTAL ROI = 6.55%
The last couple weeks I haven't gotten to play much, with me moving and all... Plus I don't have cable here yet and took me a couple days to realize that a couple of my neighbors don't secure their internet connection... ship!... Week 6 was horrible... My first week at $22s and during the first full session, internet went out, which was STANDARD at the other house. Lost over $300 (probably more because I was running good so far) in those 15 sngs... So once again my ROI has been screwed over, but I think I can bring it up pretty good. I've been running probably below avg besides the disconnects, as you can see by my sort of flat line on my graph at sharkscope. My total sng profit on there is $7k-ish right now. I'm going to get it as close to $15k as possible by the end of the year. I do have to cash out more frequently now because of the increase in bills, but hopefully I can keep a steady flow. Well thats all for now...
At 10:37 AM,
Alex Michel said…
Thata kid. Keep em coming!
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