Back to..... yep..... cash games!!!!!!
Haha... obviously. I got tired of SNGs again. Through 10 weeks I was up like $600 or so with a 5.5-6.0% ROI... Not very good, but I think I ran bad too. SNGs just burn me out too quickly. Yes I can play 16 to 20 tables at once, but when it gets shorthanded on them, it really sucks. Yes I can play well over 100 a week... but if the internet goes out during just 1 session, my profit takes a HUGE hit. Its just not worth it.
I've been doing a little research and lurking on 2+2 and I realize that although SNGs can boost a bankroll substantially, cash games are where the real money is. I look at it this way.... The average "decent/good" .25/.50 NL player should maintain about a 2BB/100hands (BB being big bets, not big blinds) winrate over a large sample size (large meaning at least 100k hands), give or take a BB. A very good cash game player at that level can probably maintain higher than a 4BB/100hands, but I don't claim to be THAT good, so we'll stick with 2BB/100. So, if I play 10k hands a week, I should be able to sustain about a $200 profit, give or take, per week. I can easily (I tried tonight) play 12 tables at once overlapping. This is so much easier than multitabling at SNGs because I play full ring games, so they don't get short-handed. When they do, I move. I will probably eventually start to 16-table just to boost my hands/hr rate. If the internet ever goes out, I'm fine. I may lose a few bucks that I have in a pot while a hand is going, but other than that its nothing compared to losing 20 buyins at SNGs. I'm starting with EXACTLY $1,000 in my stars account, so I have 20 buyins at the 50NL level. Its not optimal bankroll management, but hopefully it will do.
I'm going to purchase PokerTracker soon, so not only do I not have to worry about keeping up with my own stats, but I will have everything right in front of me about me and my opponents to help me. I think I'll mix in a tourney or 2 per week just so I won't go crazy... lol. Well thats all for now.
- Brandon
I've been doing a little research and lurking on 2+2 and I realize that although SNGs can boost a bankroll substantially, cash games are where the real money is. I look at it this way.... The average "decent/good" .25/.50 NL player should maintain about a 2BB/100hands (BB being big bets, not big blinds) winrate over a large sample size (large meaning at least 100k hands), give or take a BB. A very good cash game player at that level can probably maintain higher than a 4BB/100hands, but I don't claim to be THAT good, so we'll stick with 2BB/100. So, if I play 10k hands a week, I should be able to sustain about a $200 profit, give or take, per week. I can easily (I tried tonight) play 12 tables at once overlapping. This is so much easier than multitabling at SNGs because I play full ring games, so they don't get short-handed. When they do, I move. I will probably eventually start to 16-table just to boost my hands/hr rate. If the internet ever goes out, I'm fine. I may lose a few bucks that I have in a pot while a hand is going, but other than that its nothing compared to losing 20 buyins at SNGs. I'm starting with EXACTLY $1,000 in my stars account, so I have 20 buyins at the 50NL level. Its not optimal bankroll management, but hopefully it will do.
I'm going to purchase PokerTracker soon, so not only do I not have to worry about keeping up with my own stats, but I will have everything right in front of me about me and my opponents to help me. I think I'll mix in a tourney or 2 per week just so I won't go crazy... lol. Well thats all for now.
- Brandon
At 12:01 AM,
Alex Michel said…
I'm actually really excited for this new venture of yours. Gl with the cash games. Maybe I'll sit at some of your tables and up your equity. Playing against me should increase your BB/Hr by at least 10. So maybe I'll do that. lol. Gl bud. Keep me updated.
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