Frustrated....................... aslk;fj;lfl;askj;cj
I'm frustrated right now... I hate whining about bad beats, but they have been killing me lately... I won't go into details about the hands, but I lost many 80/20s for big stacks, and my last like 5 coin flips, which were all late in the tourneys, 1 at a final table. If I can't at least win 1 or 2 of these late, I'll never make money... Ok enough of that. Here are my stats so far...
Played 112
Profit $354.64
ROI 72%
I'm really shooting for 100% ROI or better, so I need to get a few top 3 finishes to get back on track. I'll try to play 50 or 60 more this week, so we'll see if I can stop running bad for a few days. Well thats it for now... I'll try to update at the end of this week, so hopefully I'll be up a few hundred more then.
- Brandon
Played 112
Profit $354.64
ROI 72%
I'm really shooting for 100% ROI or better, so I need to get a few top 3 finishes to get back on track. I'll try to play 50 or 60 more this week, so we'll see if I can stop running bad for a few days. Well thats it for now... I'll try to update at the end of this week, so hopefully I'll be up a few hundred more then.
- Brandon
At 11:48 PM,
Alex Michel said…
Those stats aren't bad. You definitely can make some decent money playing those. Just don't burn yourself out of them. I think I do that if I play the same thing over and over again, I start making bad plays. Maybe a day of sngs then back to the $4 tourneys? Idk. Just a thought. I need to listen to myself sometimes. Gl with the pwning
At 10:15 AM,
BrandonAU said…
sngs feel like more of a "grind" to me... 1st in a sng just isnt as fun to me as FTing a 180-man. I actually think I get burned out much quicker in sngs, even though the 180s last longer. I may stick to them for a while, but yeah if I start getting burned out, I'll take a break.
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