Brandon's (mostly) Poker Blog

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last week in ATL...

Well I have 4 more days of work up here (we're off Friday). I'll be moving back either Friday or Saturday.. I'm sooo happy to be moving back. I mean I like it up here, but its just not home. Stephanie and a few friends of mine came up here this past weekend and we went out in Midtown. It was a pretty good time. We went to the summer beerfest at Marlow's Tavern, which had 3 of Atlanta's breweries there setup with all their beer. We played a marathon game of beer pong (15 cups, not big cups either so harder to ring). David and I beat Leighton and Chris of course.. Thats how we roll.

I've finally finished clearing my $200 iron man mid-year bonus, so I don't really have a need to keep playing sngs. I believe I made a small profit this month on turbo sngs though, which is good. From now on I'll probably just stick to tourneys a couple nights a week. I've also been playing alot of omaha HU sngs, and I've been pwning pretty good. I'm getting the feel of the game and I really enjoy it. I didn't realize how many bad omaha players there are at that level. I've always thought of omaha as a game of way more luck than holdem, and to an extent it is, but there is still alot of strategy. Its easier than I thought to have a clear edge on someone.

So I've had a few final tables in the last few weeks, although most were small cashes. My biggest 2 cashes lately were a $26 pot limit HA (half holdem half omaha) tourney on FTP a couple weeks ago where i got 3rd for like $475. Then tonight I got 2nd in the 3k limit holdem on FTP for around $670 I think. I was really upset about both though, as 3-handed in the HA tourney I had half the chips in play, and I had close to a 2-1 chiplead in the limit one tonight. Both times though I went pretty card dead or got sucked out on. Mostly tonight I was card dead, and that sucks in limit because you can't bluff much and you go to showdown alot. The biggest disappointment is that of the few final tables I've had the past few weeks, I've had no wins. I really need to break through and get a win. Its fine though because it just gives me that much more motivation to play. I love being able to play tourneys for fun and not having to grind cash or sngs for money. The money situation is improving, especially with me moving back, and I shouldn't have to cash out much. I'll probably play some tourneys again tomorrow night. Well thats it for now.

- Brandon

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Update.. finally!!!

Well my transfer back to the campus (Columbus) was approved, and my first day back at the old office is July 6th. I'm glad to be moving back. I mean I like Kennesaw, its a really nice town, but its just not home. Not to mention my friends, girlfriend, and family are in Phenix City. And also I'll be saving alot of money by moving back. Rent + utilities here is $900-$1000/month, and I don't split that with anybody lol. I know that may not be alot for some people, but it is for me! At least I tried it out up here... but I'm SOOO glad to be going back!!

As far as poker goes, I've been playing a decent amount I guess. I've taken a break from cash games.. I was winning at around 5-6 BB/100 at 50NL over 30-35k hands, and I was about break-even, maybe up a little, after a few thousand hands at 100NL, and it just got boring. I moved to sngs for a little bit, but they are also boring. I have to play either cash or sngs a good bit at least for 9 more days this month though, to get enough clear my $200 iron man bonus (have to earn 200 points/day for those days, which is only 15 $22+2 sngs a day, or about 1.5-2 hrs 6-tabling 50NL a day). After that, I've decided to just play tourneys every few days. I've been sticking to cash/sngs mainly because I've been having to have a somewhat steady side income of $100-$200/week to cash out to help me out. Since I'm moving back and will be saving alot of money, I don't really need this extra income. After thinking about it, whats the most fun I have playing poker?? SNGs??? They can be boring and redundant.. sure I can go on a heater in a 15 game session and win a few hundred bucks, I've done that many times before.. Cash???... I've won several buyins and stacked a few people in a session before.. and I mean its a good feeling, but neither of those even comes close to final tabling a tourney. If I want to play to make a more steady side income, sure sngs and cash are the safe play. If I want to actually have FUN playing, tourneys are the only way to go. I love when the adrenaline gets pumping when I make a final table where 1st pays more than my bankroll. I love going for that big score. I think I'll have more fun and less pressure just playing tourneys a couple nights a week, and not worrying about getting a certain amount of hands in or games in. Anyways, I'm rambling.

Joel's bachelor party is coming up at the end of July. We'll be going to Biloxi for the weekend of July 31st-Aug 2nd. We always have a good time when we go, especially when we stay at Beau Rivage, which we will be again this time. The VERY NEXT WEEKEND, if Alex can make it, I may be meeting him in Atlantic City for a few days. If he could pull it off, that will definitely be a blast. Dave would probably come down for a couple days too. Come on Alex... you can doooo it!!! haha, jk, its fine if you can't. There's always another time. Also, Stephanie and I will probably be going to the beach or somewhere one weekend around the same time. I'll take all the vacations I can get!! Well thats it for now. I'll try not to wait over a month to update again.

- Brandon