Brandon's (mostly) Poker Blog

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Shame to Poker....

I'm sure pretty much everybody who reads my blog (all 4 or 5 of you, lol) has seen the movie "Rounders." One of the main characters is Worm, who always looks for an edge, cheating all the time to make sure he doesn't lose. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a "Worm" at our Tuesday night home games at Phillip's.

Ok so we have tourneys over there on Sunday nights and cash games on Tuesdays. On Sunday, a regular over there who I'm good friends with said he saw another guy who's pretty much a regular, (we'll just call him Worm), doing what appeared to be cheating. He said Worm would pretty much set the deck up on his deal to make it where he got AA, or very close to it. We use 2 decks over there to keep the pace flowing, so while one person is dealing, the next person would be shuffling the other deck to be ready for their deal. Well, this just gives him all the time he needs to set it up. He said he was suspicious so he started looking at Worm's hand without him knowing... either when he held his cards too high or after all cards were in the muck. He said he had AA like 4 or 5 times on his deal!! By the way, Worm doesn't come on most Sundays, so of course he wasn't there while the guy was telling us all this. So we decided to wait until Tuesday when he always comes, and just watch him, and not say anything about it yet if it was true.

So last night I go out there for the Tuesday night cash game, with a min buyin of $50 and max of $100, and .50/1.00 blinds, No Limit. And of course, Worm shows up. He's at my table too, and I'm sitting directly across from him in perfect position to see what he does. For about an hour I think nothing of it and have pretty much forgotten about it all, until he's dealing. He raises and Phillip goes allin for his last $18, and Worm calls with... you guessed it... AA. Phillip has AK and the case Ace flops. Now the AK and the Ace on the flop may not have been set up, just very unlucky, but the AA was definitely enough to get me watching him. And after that hand, another player, who sat directly to the right of him, told me she forgot to cut that hand. So I was waiting for his deal again so I could see whats up.

Ok so it comes back to his deal... this guy is an idiot. It's plain as day what he's doing, because I saw it over and over. While the hand before his deal was going on, he was "preparing" the next deck for his deal. He would kind of be looking at the cards while he mixed them up, and I was watching him actually count and line them up!! I wasn't looking directly at him the whole time of course, because he was looking around to make sure nobody was paying attention. But then once he got his cards set, he would do the most retarded looking fake shuffle I've ever seen. Every now and then he would really shuffle, but EVERYTIME he did this, he left about the top 20 or so cards on top, always making sure his stayed up there. Then he would proceed to his fake cut, where he would separate the top 20 or so cards from the rest, have them on the bottom with his finger keeping the "real" top card separated from the rest, while he was cutting up the other cards on top. He would then take the "real" top cards and put them back on top of the ones he just cut. I was ready to see what he would get, but this time the player on his right cut the deck.... man, I really wanted to bust him out! Oh well, I'll wait until his next deal.

So its back on him to deal, and he does his little set up. Now the player on his right cuts again, but only the top card, so she would get the same exact hand he was supposed to get. Brilliant! She had obviously been watching him too. I can tell that this "one card" cut wasn't something he liked. And when he was dealing the last 2 or 3 cards out, he kind of dealt them a little off the mark on purpose, in an attempt to mix them up because he obviously thought we were trying to catch him. But we followed them closely and knew which card belonged to which person... and he was still trying to call for a misdeal because he was so worried... Haha it was so funny. So anyway, everyone agreed to a misdeal, basically because we all wanted to see what he would've gotten. So the player to his right flips up her cards... AK. At this point he seems to be aware that we are on to him and pretty much stops his set ups. He goes on to lose over $500 in a game where nobody should lose over about $200 lol.

Now I just talked to Phillip about it a few minutes ago, and he said nobody said anything to Worm. They are just going to watch him very very closely and not let it happen again. If he tries something, the person next to him always knows to cut the cards now anyway. Sometimes in the past they've actually cut them and it prevented his plan from working, but alot of times they don't because he would start dealing too quickly, and by the time they say they didn't cut, they would just let it go because they don't want to have to re-shuffle and everything because it takes too long. It could've been caught alot earlier, but alot of times when he has AA on his button, he doesn't have to showdown so nobody ever knows. So anway, they are going to continue to let him play for the simple reason that, well, he sucks. Despite his cheating, he is still down well over $1,000 since he's been coming, and they, and me, want that to continue. I've told Phillip that if someone forgets to cut and I get KK and get allin against his AA in the future, well, then its going down. There's no way he's pulling that crap on me. But as long as everybody keeps an eye out and cuts, we will keep getting his money. Its funny... he thinks he's hustling us, but everybody there knows he's a cheater, but he's so bad that everybody wants him to keep coming rather than to bust him out!!! Now who's being hustled homey?

On another note, I'm leaving for Tunica tomorrow. When I get back I'll post all about my trip, unless I get online up there, then I may post sooner. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Home games and a little online poker...

I've been doing pretty well lately, for me anyway. We had a home game at my house Sunday night... just a little $10 rebuy tourney with 6 people. After the rebuy period, we figured up the money and 1st would get $85 and 2nd would get $25. When 3 handed play began, it was me, Justin, and Tyler remaining. There were 440 chips in play. I had about 60 of those, Justin probably had about 150, and Tyler with the rest. So I was in trouble. The blinds went up to 5/10 once we started 3 handed, and my plan was to push push push. The first 2 hands, I had AJ and AK, and pushed, winning the blinds both times. After that I continued my aggressive shortstacked play when the following hand came up....

Justin had the button and raised minimum to 20. Tyler folded, and I was in the BB with K10. I call and we see the flop HU. The flop looks pretty good for me, K 6 Q with 2 clubs. I check and without hesitation Justin bets 40. I went into the tank. The 2 hands that had me worried were of course AK and KJ. But for some reason, just the way he bet I was feeling he had AQ. I don't know why, but I didn't think he was really strong. So after thinking for a minute or so, I pushed for about 70 more.... Then HE goes into the tank... He starts guessing what I could have, first saying he thinks I have something like J10 clubs for a strong draw. Then he shows his hand face up.. (this is not allowed in most casinos, but I see it alot in home games and I don't have a problem with it)..... he has KJ. I'm thinking to myself. "Okay, hes gonna call and I'm gonna have to get lucky to win this one." Then he sees that his J is a club, and says "Well wait, you can't have J10 clubs because I have the J of clubs." I'm thinking, "Great, he's definitely gonna call now." He thinks for a couple more minutes.... and folds!! Wow, I really got away with one there. From that point I was able to take control of the table and win 1st for $85, a decent cash.

Monday I had a decent 2 hour session on Pac, winning around $200. Later that night I entered a $20 MTT on Party, and couldn't get anything going early. After the first couple hours or so, I was on fire. I saw my stack go from 5k to about 30k in an hour, and I was above average. I was really gunning for the final table, because 4th place and up were over $1k, and with about 40 people left I was sitting about average. The blinds were getting big though, and after a couple of cold rounds I found myself needing to double up. I get AK in late position, and all fold to me so I push. The BB calls with QQ, and we all know that I don't win coinflips... He even spiked a Q on the river just in case :) But thats ok, I made about $90 profit on the tourney and finished in 24th.... I still want a big tourney cash more than anything, and I won't give up until I get one or two.

So after Monday I was already up about $300 on the week and cruising. Tuesday night is the always fun NL cash game at Phillips. I bought in for the max of $100 and was just coasting along, building my stack to around $250 when this happened.....

Someone opened for $5 (blinds are .50/1) and there were 2 callers. I'm in MP and find 88 and call. 1 more caller and we see the flop 4-handed. The door card is beeeeaaauuuutiful, an 8. The flop was A Q 8, which was a perfect flop for me. Chances are the raiseer opened with an ace, or at least a caller had an ace. We check to the raiser who goes all in for her remaining $35 or so. I just call, hoping for an ace to follow so I can extract more on the turn, but nobody does. So its us HU, and she has K10.......obviously something I didn't wanna see. I really wanted to see AJ or AK, but oh well. So the turn blanks and the river is her miracle Jack for about a $90 pot... ewwwww. But I managed to build back up a little and cash out with a profit of $172. I'll take it.

So I'm doing alright so far this week, and plan to play alot of 5/10 tomorrow and Friday. I didn't play any today because I played golf, which is an old passion I'm starting to get back into. Shooting 77 isn't too bad for somebody who never plays anymore! lol........ Well I'm gone for now, its margarita night!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Regaining confidence.... maybe I CAN beat this game...

I've been continuing my short sessions on Pac at 5/10 lately, and since I started back my results have been like this after my first 10 sessions (since last Wednesday):


= +872.53

Most of these sessions have been short, almost all under an hour. I have been extremely lucky to not have a losing session yet... (knock on wood!).. but hopefully this trend will continue for the most part. I am feeling really good about my game right now, and will keep playing 5/10 on Pac as much as possible. I've had some small losses in MTTs lately because I just can't seem to get anything going, but hopefully those will improve. I'll be making a trip to Tunica, Mississippi at the end of the month, and hope to do well in 4/8 and maybe even some 10/20. I'll also be looking forward to some tourneys there too. Well I gotta run for now....

Friday, April 07, 2006

Slow Recovery...

Well, last week didn't get much better after my "terrible" day. I finished the week down almost $1,000. This was a huge hit to my bankroll, and only my second losing week since the beginning of the year. This week I decided to give SNGs another shot on PP, just to take a break from limit. Well..... that didn't last long. Monday I had a small win of around $30, but Tuesday I took a $250 hit. Once again, everything went wrong. When QJ beats your AA on a board of 8 8 9, without hitting the 10 for a straight, you know its a bad day. I took them all day, and mostly for 4th place. I also had alot of 3rds that should've been 1sts or 2nds. I'd have about half the chips in play and run cold and get 3rd. Once I had about 10k in chips and the others had about 5k each... I picked up QQ and ran into KK.. just things like that. The bad beats kept pouring in, and I know it sounds like I'm whining.... well, ok I am. lol.

So Wednesday I play some more and am about even for the day when I enter another set of 3 SNGs for $33 each... I catch a big hand early on one of my tables and boost my stack early on another as well and am feeling good about it when all of the sudden... bye bye Partypoker. The cable went out. I called the cable company and they said "Oh they're working in that area, it should be back up shortly." Well thats great. So I call Daniel and get him to get on for me so hopefully he can get me in the money on 1 or 2 of them. By then it was too late though, he signed on under my name and I was already out of 2 of them, and was allin on the last one and lost. And what happens 2 minutes later??? You guessed it! The cable came back on. Beautiful. What a day. So I lost $99 right there without being able to do a single thing about it. That sums up the rest of that day too, and I'm stuck a little over $200 for the day.

I decided that SNGs were just too stressful. They give me a headache, there's too much going on at once, and they take too long. So later Wednesday night I signed on the Pac and decided to go back to what I've had the most success in (even after my bad week)... 5/10. I had a nice short little session, winning around $125. Today I've played 2 more short sessions, one lasting about 20 minutes and the other about 30 minutes. I finished +$72.35 and +117 in those. I will start putting in longer sessions eventually, but right now I'm happy to quit when I'm up after a short period of time, mainly because it builds my confidence. I know I can beat this game, and I'm determined to not give up. My goal for this week is simple... at least break even for the week. I'm still down a little, but a couple more decent sessions like those and I'll be right back up at 0, which sounds good to me right about now. If I get to even by Saturday, I'll probably spend alot of Sunday trying to get it in the positive. One thing is for sure, 5/10 is what I need to be playing. My comfort level in that game is higher than anything else I play, and thats important.